Do you need to keep up-to-date on all the latest in your medical specialty? UNI-Presse allows you to receive your subscription no matter where you are, easily and quickly.
We offer medical journals specific to your domain: reanimation, cardiology, infectious disease, dermatology, nutrition, sleep, physical therapy, and more.
Our Medical Press subscriptions are destined for healthcare students and professionals. Keep up-to-date on the best practices in your sphere.
Our magazines are written and edited by experts in your domain, meaning that your subscription will consistently enrich your scientific, biological and medical knowledge. Nourish your curiosity and discover the latest news on the most complex and intriguing healthcare issues in today's world.
You'll find articles, research, and illustrated clinical cases to enrich your understanding.
Journal de traumatologie is destined to sports medicine specialists and experts interested in sports injuries.
Les cahiers de prothèse is a review dedicated to
dental surgeons wishing to enrich their knowledge and competence in prosthesis.
Médecine du sommeil is the francophone review that allows for the best support for sleep issues. The publication is based on original articles and continued medical education.
In order to best suit our subscribers, you'll also have the choice between print and digital subscriptions.
A dynamic customer service team is dedicated to making your subscription process as simple as possible.
Don't hesitate to check out our available subscriptions, and keep in mind that we ship to over 190 countries!