Get the Annales française d’otolaryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale. Records that publish scientific works in all the fields concerning your specialty: otology, laryngology, rhinology and cervico-facial surgery. This journal will allow you to enrich your knowledge and keep up-to-date on the evolution of your field. Whether you’re a student or a long-time practitioner, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest in your field. This journal permits professionals at all levels of study to keep up on the latest in their domain’s best practices.
This journal brings readers the latest information on your domain. Namely: research, basic sciences, and medical imaging.
Plus, Annales française d’otolaryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale proposes thematic reports on in-depth studies on pathologies relevant to your specialty. The clinical studies herein represent recent cases. Recognized experts in the treatment of these pathologies provide reliable and informative answers to medical mysteries.
The practical quizzes contained deal with a clinical, radiological, or histological case in a synthetic way. The Surgical Technique or Technology sections briefly describe a technique, a treatment or its modification, delivering a precise message in the interest of the technique or new equipment.
What’s more, our subscription offer to Annales française d’otolaryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale is intended for all healthcare professionals, in particular those specialized in ENT. A dedicated team is available to set up your offer anywhere in the world.
The Annales Françaises d’otorhinolaryngologie et de pathologie cervico-facial is now the official publication of SFORL.
First and foremost, their editorial boards are made up of French and foreign specialists. This ensures the scientific relevance of the publication.
While you’re here, don’t hesitate to check out our catalog in French or in English.