The Revue française de psychanalyse aims to discuss the ideas, theory development and debates from within this field of study. This publication features on the list of psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis magazines. The French National Council of Universities (CNU) and the French Association for Educational Research (ARES) consider this publication as being the leading psychoanalysis review within the field of psychology. Its editorial board decides on the texts that are published according to its own criteria.
The Revue française de psychanalyse: research from the Paris Psychoanalysis Association.
The ‘’Research & Meetings’’ section recommends leading or innovative scientific research, together with reports on leading figures from the psychoanalysis field or on current topical issues. The ‘’Review’’ section offers critical analysis focussing on the current issues within psychoanalysis both in France and internationally. Whilst the majority of articles are editorial submissions, the French Psychoanalysis Review seeks out authors celebrated for their expertise for debates, interviews, or specific topical features. A committee then submits these articles for review processes. Finally, each reader has the option of writing a written synopsis in which they present their arguments. These comments are then sent to the author of the article being evaluated.
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