Created in 1970, Le Mémento is a French journal on the economy of the Indian Ocean. It is a monthly magazine that highlights the activities of companies on and around the Indian Ocean. Within the different distribution areas, no other magazine offers editorial quality like this one. In particular, it offers regional visibility and increasingly important updates on daily dynamics.
In Le Memento you will find reports on specific sectors of the economy, news, and a major surveys. Plus, it highlights companies from Reunion Island, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte and the Comores. Each issue is around 150 pages in length. Le Memento was founded by Catherine Louapre-Pottier. According to company managers, this magazine guarantees the quality, profitability, impact, seriousness, energy and precision of a high-quality journal.
Since then, Le Memento has been leaning towards African countries with its monthly magazine and its website in the interest of bringing its values to life. The magazine’s demographics focus on entrepreneurs and managers between 35 and 64 years old, particularly those reliant upon CSP+. The magazine speaks to readers who are well-versed in both BtoC and BtoB communication.
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