Mots Mel’ Festival‘s airy grids guarantee better reading comfort, for better moments of relaxation! At first glance, you’ll see traditional and thematic grids… But when you dive into the magazine, you’ll soon realize that it includes a gift in each issue — a detachable booklet that will help you discover new ways to play! Plus, every three months you’ll also get the Text to Trace and the Dicomel’! The art of unraveling words has loads of surprises in store!
Do you love word jumbles? Then there’s no doubt that Mots Mel’ Festival is just for you!
In Mots Mel’ Festival games, you must find all the words on the list within the grid. They are mixed horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and in both directions. Once you have found the words, the unused letters can be put together in normal reading order to solve the puzzle.
With 32 pages of games in Mel’ Words Festival, you’ll have many delightful days ahead!
Do you like word games? Check out our complete catalog of games: sudoku, crosswords, and more. Discover other magazines in our Culture & Leisure category.
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