MordeLIRE magazine helps children 7 years and up to develop a passion for reading. Your child won’t want to put down this magazine, which comes with two novellas per issue which they will devour…right down to the last page!
Cultivate the love of reading!
This magazine covers plenty of different literary genres: science fiction, comedy, true stories, and detective stories for kids. As such, it offers children an active reading experience as they implement different resources to better understand the text and themselves! The stories range from hilarious to frightening, awakening a variety of emotions in their readers. To achieve this, MordeLIRE magazine calls on well-known children’s authors to contribute their work.
Each issue features:
- two novellas;
- comic strips in the comedy and adventure genres; and
- games that teach the written word, enrich one’s general knowledge, exercise one’s logic and develop one’s creativity;
- current events and reading tips;
- jokes;
- reading tips.
Offering your child a subscription to MordeLIRE means offering them a lifelong love of books!
Also discover MordeLIRE Maxi Lecture option with 4 special issues of Le Journal de Toto for even more reading fun!
Discover other magazines in our children & teens category.