Archives Juives is a specialized publication about the History of the Jews in France. It is published by the French Commission of Jewish Archives (CFAJ). It includes articles, testimonies, and research on the history of Jews in France and across the globe.
Thanks to Archives Juives, the association brings research on the history of Jewish culture and of French Jews specifically. Research spans different French territories and various eras. In this way, the journal handles diverse subjects, from the art market during the war, to the specificities of Yiddish. History gets a second look thanks to rich, varied testimonies from diverse sociocultural and professional groups. Each lived through the war in a way that is specific to that individual, making testimonies unique. Articles are written as much for historians as for philosophers and intellectuals.
The association is composed of historians, archivists, academics, and followers who care about supporting its initiatives. Archives Juives’ stories and testimonies of the darker hours of History shed light on the past for readers young and old.
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