Mes Premiers Sudokus is a quarterly magazine specially designed for children aged 6 and up. The goal is to familiarize them with sudokus. With its A5 format and its 54 pages, this magazine will entertain little ones, all while making them think and exercise their logical thinking skills in a playful way.
Develop your child’s logical thinking with Mes Premiers Sudokus
At first, the Sudoku is presented in the form of a grid with a series of different numbers (or letters, or symbols). None of them can be found more than once in the same row, column or region. There are different names for the grid (e.g., “block”, “group”, “area” or “sub-grid”). Once you have solved the grid, all you have to do is flip to the end of the magazine to check the answers.
This game was created in 1979 by the American Howard Garns. It was originally inspired by the Latin square game by Swiss mathematician Léonhard Euler. The fun lies in the simplicity of its rules and in the complexity of its solutions. Grids feature different levels of difficulty, with a degree of complication that advances as you complete each grid. The last grids are the most complex.
If you’d like to discover other magazines like Mes Premiers Sudokus, don’t hesitate to check out our selection of Sudoku magazines. You can also see our subscription offers for kids 6-9. Discover other magazines in our children & teens category.