The new magazine entirely dedicated to the world of Manga. Every quarter, your issue of Atom will bring you over 130 pages of texts accompanied by beautiful imagery. With a mature eye, this magazine will allow you to see the links between different narrative genres. Here, manga is linked to cinema, literature, and graphic arts. This allows readers to develop their knowledge and curiosity for a host of artistique milieux!
Atom also gives the floor to authors and experts in fascinating reported pieces. Interviews bring readers an in-depth look at their favorite creator’s methods and processes. These interviews are released several times a year and offer a direct link to Japan in each issue. Plus, the artists presented here will certainly add to reader’s dossier of people to watch. From the well-known to the emergent, Atom keeps readers entirely up to date.
Atom Magazine shines a light on brilliant artists, showing us their talent through their words, opinions, and images. The magazine’s team travels regularly to Japan in order to conduct its in-depth interviews.
What’s more, the magazine makes aesthetic choices that reflect their desire to contribute an avant-garde review to the world of Manga.
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