With each monthly issue, the magazine offers a clear and lively overview of a new theme. Each issue consists of:
The essential monographs on art history
Painting, decorative arts, sculpture, architecture, heritage, major museum collections, artistic trends… with each issue, Dossiers de l’Art offers you a clear and abundantly illustrated summary of major or little-known artists and themes in art history. Numerous feature pieces on works of art, explanatory references, itineraries and the essential news complete these thematic reference texts.
– an exhaustive and fascinating text on a reference subject;
– itineraries and ideas for visits centred around an artist, a school or a movement;
– all the latest on the subject to expand your knowledge;
– chronologies, stylistic reminders, work appraisals…
This monthly magazine is aimed at people with an interest in art history, collectors, professionals, retirees, and of course students of art history, researchers, museum curators, academics, antique dealers, and art professionals.
Travel back in time to witness the major moments of art history through a Dossiers de l’Art subscription.
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